Monday, October 3, 2011

Instrumental Music Update

Dear Instrumental Music Community,

Thank you to the 35 band students who played for the Class of 1966 Reunion on Saturday, and the parents who helped with carpooling. Members of the class of 1966 have been raving about how great you sounded and how wonderful it was to have you at their reunion.

Despite the poor weather, the band looked and sounded great! Our presence in the stands was excellent and the 8th graders really seemed to enjoy their time with us. Many thanks to the parents who helped buy and distribute the pizza and soda, as well as the parents who helped distribute water and set up the drum major podiums.

IMEA Audition times have been posted. More information about when the bus will be leaving and returning will be made available shortly. Auditions will be held at Carl Sandburg High School on Tuesday, October 11th.

A message from Lena regarding the Tour: the deadline for your trip deposit has been pushed back to October 17th.

On November 5th, we will be hosting the IMEA Junior High Festival. We will have about 300 junior high students and their directors on campus that day. As such we will need everyone’s help the night before, and on that day to make everything run smoothly. Signups and more information will be made available shortly, however please mark your calendars now.

This Thursday is the RB Orchestra Festival. We will be joined by 50 junior high students from Hauser to play music inspired by war. The concert will begin at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there!


Mr. Baum and Mr. McOlgan