Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Choir Concert Tonight!

The RB Choirs will present the first concert of the school year tonight at 7 p.m. in the RB auditorium.  The Madrigal Singers, Chamber Choir, Concert Chorale and Treble/Bass Choir will perform pieces they have worked on since the beginning of this school year.

In addition, Krisin Ripoli, Cynina Mason and Lex Richter will perform "Mama Who Bore Me" from the musical "Spring Awakening". 

This morning, the Choirs from S. E. Gross, Hauser and Komarek Schools will visit RB from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.  They will have the opportunity to sing with the RB choirs and see what we do in choir every day!  We welcome all the Jr. High Students!

Choir members are all working diligently on their IMEA music.  Auditions are next Tuesday, October 11 at Carl Sandburg High School.  Audition times will be posted today.  All of the music students will take a bus to Sandburg together.  Good luck on your auditions!