Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Music Update

Dear Music Community,

Congratulations to all our All State Musicians! This year every instrumentalist chosen to represent RB auditioned into the All State Honors Band. Molly Chaney was 2nd chair bass, Maddy Muntean was 9th chair first flute, Dovas Lietuvninkas was 2nd chair trumpet, and Andrew Payton was 4th chair tuba. Joining them in Peoria was Kyle Perfect and James Wang who each sang with the All State Honors Choir, and Haley Buntrock who received 3rd place for her composition “Falling.” Congratulations once again to all of you. Did you know that since 1991 RB has sent 51 musicians to the All State Festival?

You can hear our all state musicians with their fellow colleagues on Thursday February 9th at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium. The band, directed by Kevin McOlgan, will be presenting their winter concert.

A Quick look ahead:

• February 17th, Jazz Ensemble hosts the Battle of the Big Bands. RB Auditorium, 7:00 PM, $10 adults, $5 students under 18 years old.

• February 21st, Metro Suburban Band Festival (Only selectees) All Day

• February 23rd, Winter Choir and Orchestra Concert. RB Auditorium, 7:00 PM, free admission

• March 3rd, Solo and Ensemble Contest. Reavis High School, Burbank IL. All Day

• March 5th, Chamber Orchestra Recital, 7:00 PM, Location TBA, free admission

Now is the time to start thinking ahead towards summer music camps. If you are interested in attending one of the fabulous camps in the area and want more information, please speak to Mr. McOlgan or Mr. Baum.

Did you know that the RB Music Department currently serves 248 students? That’s 17% of the entire school!


Mr. Baum and Mr. McOlgan