Friday, April 29, 2011

Life Drawing in Drawing II

Click here to see pictures of life drawing from the Drawing & Painting II students. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


Join the RBHS Orchesis Dance Company this Friday, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th in the Main Auditorium at 7:00pm for a stellar performance of DANCE. Student choreographers include Rachel Ackerman, Vilija Aleksa, Brigitte Collazo, Meredythe DiViottorio, Louise Gangware, Sarah Jane Gembara, Allison Hornung, Hannah Langosch, Kayla Muldoon, Alaina Sliz, Caroline Stanko, Rima Lintikas AND GUEST HIP HOP CHOREOGRAPHER KATY KEMPEN. Tickets are 4.00 for students and seniors and 6.00 for adults. Children 6 and under are free.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Madrigal Concert!

The Madrigals will present a concert of vocal jazz, pop and Broadway on Tuesday evening, April 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the Little Theater.  You're invited!

Instrumental Music Update

Thank you to everyone who wrote such nice letters and emails in response to our Spring Concert last Thursday. The evening was splendid, and the kids sounded fantastic! Mr. McOlgan was especially moved by all the parents and students who took the time to meet his mother that night.

Our field trip to see “Working” is Wednesday. Students will leave school 5th hour and should therefore be prepared to eat lunch at school. If you haven’t turned in your permission slips please turn it in A.S.A. P.

The Apollo awards will be held on May 26th in the Main Gym and not on May 19th. Please adjust your calendars.

Congratulations to Joe Wilkinson who played an outstanding audition at Elmhurst College. After the audition Joe was informed by the school that they really wanted him and are prepared to match any scholarship from another school.

Mr. Baum and Mr. McOlgan

Friday, April 15, 2011

Listen to Mary Poppins!

Enjoy listening to music from the RBHS Instrumental Concert

Character Counts Artwork!

Click here to enjoy the photos of artwork inspired by the pillars of Character Counts!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Congratulations Samantha Friend!

Congratulations to Samantha Friend for being awarded a full-ride scholarship to participate in a three week art camp held at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.  Sam received this award from the Scholastics Art and Writing organization.  She qualified after receiving a Gold Award for her photograph at the Regional Scholastics Art Competition held in January.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Instrumental Music Update

Dear Instrumental Music Community,

The Spring concert is upon us. Join us this Thursday evening at 7:00 in the auditorium. Students should be gathering their concert attire tonight to make sure they are ready for Thursday. The call time for students to arrive is 6:15.

Thank you to all who attended Jazzapalozza V. It was a great evening of jazz featuring guest artist Sam Lauritsen. Sam is a RB graduate who performed on the very first Jazzapalozza and is now finishing his degree in Jazz Performance at Roosevelt University’s Chicago College of Performing Arts. Both RB Jazz groups sounded great. Thank you to everyone who brought treats to share, especially Mrs. Baum’s lemon squares.

The Jazz Groups will be featured at This Must Be the Place on May 1st. The Jazz Ensemble will open the evening at 6:00 PM followed by the Jazz Band. Please call 630-243-1500 for reservations.

The Jazz Band will open for the Brass Tracks Big Band at Hackneys in Palos Heights on May 4th. Their set will begin at 7:00.

Mark your calendars for the Apollo Awards which will be held on May 19th at 7:00 PM. All music students will perform, and we will honor our outstanding students.


Mr. Baum and Mr. McOlgan

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2011 Jazzapalooza

Click here to see pictures from Jazzapalooza.